Saturday, June 20, 2015

Why true Americans question mass shooting hoaxes

 Most people just don't have time or the interest to look into this sort of thing. But those who do are able to take action to avoid some of the worst crap that the elites are pushing. For example I have a nice reverse osmosis system that removes the fluoride from my drinking water. I have it plumbed into my on demand boiling water dispenser as well as my refrigerator and ice maker. I also keep my money out of investments that are going to crash as we drop into the next recession. There are some situations where the conventional financial system is useful though, such as when I bought my house (at a deep discount) back in 2012. And this next time around once we hit the bottom of the next recession (if we survive it) I'll dump some of my money into stocks since they should be nice and cheap by then. I don't think we can help the sheeple. They're just sort of pathetic and they'll be taken advantage of by the elites. Those who are aware of this sort of thing are able to keep a little more of their wool.

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