Sunday, June 7, 2015

Trillions In Global Derivatives About To Explode; EU Says "Nothing Left To Talk To Greece About"

 EU's Junker Snubs Greek Prime Minister, Declines Phone Call Insulted by the Greek PM’s fire and brimstone speech to parliament, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Junker refused a meeting, noting that if Tsipras is serious about going down with the ship, there’s nothing left to talk about.

Along with the serious possibility of cascading derivatives imploding the global economy, Greece, on the other hand, will face devastating economic consequences, political instability, and social unrest in the event the country returns to the drachma, meaning Tsipras’ move to effectively call the troika’s bluff might have been more show than anything else. That is, the longer the PM can put on a brave face, the harder he can say he fought when, in the end, he is forced to go to parliament with an unpopular deal or face an economic depression the depths of which are as yet impossible to measure.

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