Friday, June 19, 2015

The Myth of Economic Growth and the Forgotten Promised Future - Joaquin

 Morris. Deductive reasoning along with historical precedence tells us it's a Bolshevik 2.0 that's on the horizon, only this time it's gonna be drones, distract, extract, divide, and conquer. They want to wipe out the white Christians, and turn America into one big horror story. That's how I see it anyway. This shooting today was nothing but theater to distract from them passing the TPP. There's a couple of landmines waiting for them though. Because A: They'll never get the guns. B: The Nullify movement is gaining a lot of steam. And C: Communication is something that they can never overcome, and very few can outrun a radio... I take comfort in the fact that their plans for Syria and Iran have fallen apart, and the BDS movement is showing the ZioFreaks for what they really are. This is all coming to a head though, and I for one am getting pretty damn nervous.

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