Friday, June 12, 2015

Secret Trade Deal Bad for US, More Troops to Iraq, Obama Care In Trouble?

 Congressman Paul Ryan says “We the People” do not get to know the secret details until Congress votes them through. On the trade packages in Asia and Europe, Ryan said, “It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to.” Is this his Republican version of the Nancy Pelosi “We have to vote for it to see what’s in it”? You know it’s a bad deal for everyday Americans when this sort of trade deal is opposed by Democrats such as Senator Elizabeth Warren and Republican Congressmen Duncan Hunter. Hunter even wrote Ryan a letter asking him not to vote on the deal until all Americans know what’s in the agreements. In other words, NO SECREAT TRADE DEALS.

Looks like the President is going to send another 450 troops to train Iraqis to fight ISIS. Listen, the Obama Administration is not serious. Months ago, a top military expert said in order to kick ISIS out of Iraq, there would need to be 80,000 well trained troops. 450 is drop in the bucket.

In the here-we go-again file, here is a headline that reads “Job Openings Jump to Record.” I called economist John Williams, and his first comment was “nonsense.” Williams told me they count each new job opening multiple times. He also says that when you drill down, the majority of jobs are part-time or 29 hour a week jobs. Thank you Obama care.

Speaking of Obama Care, it is looking like the Supreme Court is going to rule against the Obama Administration on subsidies for more than 30 states. People were only supposed to get them if they set up an exchange, and 34 states did NOT set up an exchange. This could end Obama Care, or at least severely limit it.

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