Saturday, June 27, 2015

One World Economic Order - Elite Agenda to be Completed in 2015?

While media pundits and analysts desperately push the failure of central planning and Keynesian economics, these five experts continue to be proven right on the dangers of reckless spending and debt. Here are five renowned experts who warned of the now-present, slow-motion financial collapse. Ron Paul
With economic malaise on the horizon and any number of triggers ready to set things into motion, military site recently posted their global forecast for 2025. The site, rumored to be a front for various alphabet intelligence agencies, says that America will soon see a large reverse migration as those who came here seeking riches and safety will emigrate out of the country following a serious, multi-year crisis.

According to the report the economy of the United States will dwindle from a GDP of $17.4 trillion today to just over $800 billion in the next 10 years – a decline of about 95% with respect to the goods and services produced within our own borders. Such a decline would be staggering, but it’s not the most ominous aspect of the report. The United States risks sliding into the abyss of economic crisis, Ron Paul warned, pointing out that “there is a huge bubble with the dollar.”
The rising Dollar index, which reached its 12-year highs against the basket of currencies, is not a reason for optimism, warned Ron Paul, a former Republican congressman and two-time US presidential candidate.

“It’s not so much that the dollar is a great currency. It’s the fact that nothing else is any better. The fundamentals are a disaster. The economy is in bad shape when you have more than half the people hardly making ends meet,” Dr. Ron Paul underscored. Ron Paul suggested that the collapse of the dollar and the stock market could be triggered by the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates. Remarkably, many experts believe the Fed will propose such a measure later this year. economy cash banking "bank account" savings u.s. "united states" 2015 debt collapse trade trading jobs employment "made in usa" china factory import export global world environment derivative knowledge gold silver "gold bullion" "gold coin" battle fight "silver coin" republican authority law lawyer secret truth currency forex "forex trading" usd dollar power control "china wholesale" news media entertainment trends trending "elite nwo agenda"

The US government has run up trillions of dollars in debt, and given the recent debates over the country’s debt ceiling, we can rest assured that neither Congress or the President will act to curtail spending and balance the budget. We will continue adding trillions of dollars to the national debt clock until such time that our creditors no longer lend us money. Confiscation of wealth. The EU has instituted the confiscation of bank accounts, which can be expected to become an international form of governmental theft. This does not automatically mean that other assets, such as precious metals and real estate will also be confiscated

Food Shortages. The food industry operates on very small profit margins and survives only as a result of quick payment of invoices. With dramatic inflation, marginal businesses (suppliers, wholesalers, and retailers Riots. These will likely happen spontaneously due to the above conditions, but if not, governments will create them to justify their desire for greater control of the masses.

Martial Law. The US has already prepared for this, with the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which many interpret as declaring the US to be a “battlefield.” The NDAA allows the suspension of habeas corpus, indefinite detention, and the assumption that any resident may be considered an enemy combatant. Similar legislation may be expected in other countries that perceive martial law as a solution to civil unrest. Billionaire Bill Gates called for “a kind of global government” this week, arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.” Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion? If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge you to read the rest of this article. We live at a time when globalization is advancing rapidly. Republicans, working closely with the White House, are executing a new strategy to pass the authority, also known as TPA or “fast track,” as well as trade adjustment assistance (TAA), an aid program for displaced American workers.

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