Monday, June 8, 2015

Message to Poroshenko from a women that lost her child and husband as a result of Ukrainian shelling

"Poroshenko, I wish you a long life full of pain and suffering " said heartbroken women. On May 26 in Gorlovka Ukrainian punitive shelling killed husband and daughter of Anna Tuv.

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  1. and consciousness rewind after all this bad management.

  2. kkk clan killing baby's in Ukraine, ask OBAMA he runs them.

  3. Oh how my heart is ripped apart by this woman's losses. How I wanted to reach out to her. My God how can we allow governments to do this? Evil men with no souls. I will pray for her. That is all I can do and I ask all who see this to do the same. God help us all when we have murderous governments ruling over us.
