Friday, June 5, 2015

Max Igan: The Full Circle Project Can Make A Huge Difference In The Fight Against Tyranny.

The rights of privacy is to have no name,
never do they have that right to know your name,
and never do you have to CONsent to that name they own through the
controlled registration,
and their claims of rights over your name at birth through the fascist
registration and fraud of non-disclosure to your parents,
of this deception of your rights of that name, and how it is owned by
that system of control.

A name being assigned in that system, and you never gave CONsent to
being controlled or owned by another when using that name they own,
and they profit from that name, in that system of control at birth over
your natural rights to exist, without HARM, and that is how they gained
control of you at birth.
The use of that name is to control you, to come under a system of
consent by contract of that registration.

You never gave consent to be under any type of control from another
claiming ownership of that registration, or to conform to another's
ideals of that system they created of government control, or any system
of control from another being,or giving consent to belong to any system
of government or any of it's laws and regulations, and the profit they
gained from that name they own.
You CONsent to that fraud when using that name and the rights of that
name is to conform to the system they created, you CONtract to being
owned by another's control of their laws and government, in that
agreement the parents signed at birth.

Parents give away rights of that child through that name when it's
registered to government and also gave away rights of privacy.
You give some of your natural rights away, and are committing fraud when
 using a name that they own, under that system of government that you
gave no consent to belong to anothers claim of ownership over you.
The government forced those parents to give away rights of that child in
 their system of control.
You as a baby never got to make that decision so it was all based on
force and fraud, to get parents to agree to another owning that
registration of name,
and paying a fee to have your child governed at birth by that system
they setup as a way of control, and the government ownership of that
registration system setup to have rights over you.
The system of control from registration by a contract that you never had
 a choice to reject, and they force you into using that name in the
system to control your life in that contracted registration system.

No parents were advised of these disclosures on signing you into that
system of control. so they did not have that right without disclosure
from government to sign your life to a system of governance when that
government committed fraud on those parents,
by non-disclosure of these RIGHTS of the child and parent on
registration of that child, and that parent might never have consented
to registration,
if this fraud had been disclosed before they signed.
And no person can claim registration and ownership of another,
thats why it's all ILLEGAL.
Never give away your rights, and never CONsent to government control
they do not have that right.
You never gave consent to being owned at birth or forced by another to
comply to that system, without the will of consent to that system they
created, just to gain control of you, your name and your rights.

To exist without HARM of you or another is the Natural LAW of the
all other laws are Positive laws of governments which cause HARM.
That registration is a positive law, that causes HARM.

The one with no name,
needs no name with cash.

When you need a name,
for money,
you have none.

GREED has no TRUTH, it needs LIES to grow
LIES will face the FEAR, when TRUTHS near.

The governments create these diversions and deceptions. to hide the real
and that is to remove your RIGHTS,
to keep you in CONtract,
and to create a thought of CONsent.

The attacker(Harm) has no RIGHTS, only the defender (No Harm),
The RIGHT of (no harm) to DEFEND against attack(Harm).
The basic Natural law of the people is NO HARM.
The Positive LAW of government usually creates HARM.

No CONtract
No CONsent

There is no LAW written, that FREE themselves, from crimes committed.

Do you remember as a child first day of school, and asking mom or dad
why do I have to go,
that was the day you knew you were controlled and could not just stay at
 home and play.
And you asked your parents why do I have to go, why.

The answer is,
to always question.

You CONsent without voice, and without action,
your freedom has been CONtracted by CONtrol.

Words of law are all illegal, until contested by those that challenge
the validity of the words used in that law.
The onus is then on the government to prove the law written does not
infringe on the peoples rights.
Every word has a meaning and can have many meanings to one word,
that word must be questioned and the intent for that word,
to understand if it can be held as valid, in regards to the rights not
being infringed against the people in that law.
The crime might never be in the charge, but just the validation of the
words used in that law written.

So contest and challenge the words used in that law,
and they must prove to a Jury, that the words in that law do no harm to
people or their rights,
only then does it become a legally validated law, until contested again.
Any law that infringes on the rights of the people,
and that law written is not for the people but against the people,
and has never been contested by Jury, can never claim it to be a legal
valid law.
No law can be considered legal and valid until that written law has been
 challenged by the people of Jury.

The jury have the rights to contest not only the written charge relating
 to the crime, but also the words in that written law relating to that
If the written law and each word in that law is contested by jury for
it's infringement of the peoples natural rights in that law, then that
law is void.
Jury have a duty to determine the written law of the charge, before they
 even hear the case of the accused.
The crime might be in the words used in that law, that infringes on
peoples natural rights, and not in the charge of the crime.

When a servant(government) tell you the boss(people) that they make
something illegal against you the boss,
then you might realise, how they do not have that authority, as they are
 just servants,
and servant laws have no authority over you the boss.
Contest with a jury the written law, each word in that law, and you
mightl win.

Laws written are only legal to those that consent to another claiming
they have authority to write laws,
you the people are the law all others are the pretenders.
You write your own laws to self, uphold your rights to determine what is
 right and unjust for you,
and give servant authority government notice,
that your laws is boss of all authority and they must now serve your
A slave will always await the masters next command or law,
never when the slave knows they are the master to the slaves of consent
to government and it's illegal laws.

Most seem deluded by the word AUTHORITY, none can ever claim to have it,
 not even those that have a title like boss or leader,
as they need consent from the people to even claim that delusion of
A boss gets the worker to do a job, the worker tells the boss that they
now have authority over the boss.
The worker tells the boss, you now must abide by all the workers laws,
acts, regulations and legislations,
and the worker takes away rights from that boss.
You the people are BOSS of Government and they are your servant workers,
and you have allowed through consent for servants to be the boss.
You people have been deluded to think that a worker or servant of the
people, can claim authority over you the BOSS.
Most seem to have fallen for the Government indoctrination plan,
if you think they have authority when no person can claim authority over
 another,then the indoctrination has worked on you with that word
Only you the people allow that word to exist when you consent to another
 claiming they have Authority.

No law can claim authority or force over the people when no HARM has
been committed,
unless it's an illegal fictitious law.
The only authority the people give government and it's workers is that
of SERVANT authority,
to only administer as a servant of the people.
Time for the people (BOSS) to sack all those in government(servant) that
 think they hold power(servant) or authority(servant)
over the people, they are all delusional with that delusion of that word
No person has the rights to tell another what to do, how to think or
what they say,
or to follow any laws of (servant)government control.
Governments that are corporations are illegal and all legislation and
laws made after that time are illegal,
and police and judges have no authority not even as servants of the

Best advice is to give them THINKING, by using one word that is,
If all that you had learnt was just about you CONFORMING to the SYSTEM,
and was all just a way of CONTROL,of all you do in life, then LIFE has
been a lie.
If you never questioned that learning and the words used,
then you can never find truth, to know the lies you live in.
Start to think away from the learning, and towards the truth,
and reason behind those words,
and why that information is used as the CONtrol.

All are slaves of controlled indoctrination.
The greatest slave of earth is the wealthy, they slave to protect the
system of greed and control,
yet are the slaves to that system.
The wealth controls them and the rich are just slaves of a greed
doctrine brainwashed from birth to conform.
The system created is the master slave, and all be slaves of that
Remember that the rich when young suffer from the highest forms of
and become the greatest slaves to conform to that system that controls
all their life.
They think they control the wealth, but the wealth controls them like a
A slave awake might not be free, but at least they had the thought to

A robot is only as good as it's program of control.
All robots must have a CONtrol programmed response to any request.
Do you perform like a robot, has the programmed CONtrol through
and education control all you do in life.
If you except without question, what you have been taught,
then you could be classed as just another type of robot.
The automated never know until told.

You make yourself king and now you proclaim you own all land.
The people say you can not own all the land we own the land.
The king tells them, but I am your KING, I had peasant clothes just like
and by me saying i am king and dressed in the kings clothes, makes me
I now own all land in the world, and you people will all serve.
The people shout to the king, you and who's army are going to stop the
The king replies, the whole world is my army,
you people have never met the rest of the world, I command all armies.
The people say, ok king we believe you please give us mercy.
The king replies you obey, and I will show you the mercy of my laws.
Thank you oh king for your mercy, the people shout.

This is the system they created, one dressed in costume like an actor,
and all the audience the subjects willing to pay to be led by a
fictional perception of reality.
An actor dressed in a disguise working for a government that actors
the same actors made the laws of control and the indoctrination has
worked on the many.
To protect the owners, they use actors of diversion and deception to
create laws to hide their armour of greed of complete control.
Say this to yourself, I am KING.

You will understand when saying that to a friend or another person,
you proclaiming to rule them with authority, and then you will know how
it's all an illusion by deception.
One that claims they own all land, owns nothing if you are standing on
They have no authority over you the people, you own all land that they
have not sold for profit and greed.
You own all authority, you are boss of these servants that choose to do
your administration as servants.
Time to be the boss of these servants dressed in kings clothes.

They need a name to charge you, if they make up a name for you, then
they commit fraud.
The one with no name needs no law, those with a name consent to name

Never should the rights of many, outweigh the rights of one.
Never should one conform to the rights of many,
if that one, believe the many to be wrong.
Never does the one ever impose or want control of the many.
Never should the many, have the right to control one.
You are that one, you need to know the rights you have lost, to reclaim

Your RIGHTS and your thinking, has to be proven wrong,
before they can be given away, without consent, or to obey.

Humans are mere babies,
looking for a parent,
to teach it how to be a child,
so it may grow up to learn,
what it means to BE.
To EXIST to THINK, with the THOUGHT to SEE.

Best thing given,
has no cost,
when the thoughts,
in that thinking never lost.

All are ALIEN to another,
until the TRUTH, they discover.

Find the thinking of the TRUTH,
that is SOUGHT,
as the MIND finds solutions,
in thinking that THOUGHT.

LIFE will never BE your own,
if the TRUTH,
you have never KNOWN.

No law is above TRUTH,
truth can challenge most LAWS,
and most laws FAIL to truth.
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