Tuesday, June 16, 2015

DONALD TRUMP 2016 - I Love China

Donald Trump finally took the plunge.

The real estate mogul and TV reality star launched his presidential campaign Tuesday, ending more than two decades of persistent flirtation with the idea of running for the Oval Office.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again," Trump told the crowd in a lengthy and meandering 45-minute speech that hit on his signature issues like currency manipulation from China and job creation, while also taking shots at the president and his competitors on the Republican side.

"Sadly the American dream is dead," Trump said at the end of his speech. "But if I get elected president I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before." Just over four years after he came closer than ever to launching a campaign before bowing out, Trump made his announcement at the lavish Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, laying out a vision to match campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again." The Tower, also home to "The Apprentice" television shows, crystallized the challenge Trump faces as he looks to win over voters. Trump has already billed himself as the "most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far," pointing out even that he owns a "Gucci store that's worth more than Romney He famously fanned the flames of the "birther" movement and today takes credit for President Barack Obama's decision to release his birth certificate -- which Trump said this year at CPAC hasn't completely quelled his concerns.

US real estate mogul and billionaire Donald Trump slammed the Obama administration over its Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, labeling it as disastrous and warning that it will encourage US companies to slash domestic jobs. Donald Trump, a man who has previously and may once again tout himself as a presidential candidate, believes that the American justice system is too slow and cumbersome to deal with whistleblowers like former NSA analyst Edward Snowden. In a stunning development for the ostracized, often criticized, vaccine safety awareness movement, cause celebre, and business mogul, Donald Trump raised concern about vaccinations on Monday, April 2, the anniversary of the fifth annual World Autism Awareness Day. Trump ‘warned’ Fox News viewers he “strongly believes that Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are linked to exposure to vaccines Ron Paul claimed he didn’t get the endorsement of Donald Trump because he was the only Republican presidential “candidate that didn’t kiss his ring.”

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