Monday, June 15, 2015

COMING FINANCIAL COLLAPSE - October Surprise Could Start Stock Market Crash

 Is the financial collapse that so many are expecting in the second half of 2015 already starting?

Many have believed that we would see bonds crash before the stock market crashes, and that is precisely what is happening right now. Since mid-April, the yield on 10 year German bonds has shot up from 0.05 percent to 0.89 percent. But much of that jump has come this week. Just a couple of days ago, the yield on 10 year German bonds was sitting at just 0.54 percent. And it isn’t just Germany – bond yields are going crazy all over Europe. So far, it is being estimated that global investors have lostmore than half a trillion dollars, and there is much more room for these bonds to fall. In the end, the overall losses could be well into the trillions even before the stock market collapses. Over the past six months, the price of oil has collapsed, the U.S. dollar has soared, and a whole bunch of other patterns that we witnessed just before the stock market crash of 2008 are repeating once again. But what we have not seen yet is the actual stock market crash. So will there be one this year?
"stock market" crash economy bubble collapse gold silver banking "bank account" Derivatives savings "savings account" future 2015 2016 forecast investment investing cash bullion trading "offshore bank account" switzerland business tax currency dollar "forex trading" "real estate" mortgage asset debt loan "credit card" "interest rate" bonds "gold coin" "silver coin" "binary options trading" u.s. "united states" usa "elite nwo agenda" stocks "get rich" china history default bond market collapse zimbabwe currency jim rogers marc faber greece glenn beck bilderberg alex jones infowars gerald celente ww3 false flag attack gold standard china germany rich dad louis farrakhan Peter Schiff manipulation end game jade helm 15 george soros rothschild rothchilds

As Janet Yellen’s Federal Reserve prepares to raise interest rates, boosting the value of the dollar, while the plunging price of crude puts intense pressure on the finances of oil-exporting countries, there are growing fears of a new debt crisis in the making. The total amount of margin debt has risen by 50 percent since January 2012 and it is now at the highest level ever recorded. The last two times that margin debt skyrocketed like this were just before the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2000 and just before the financial crisis of 2008. When this house of cards comes crashing down

Former presidential candidate Ron Paul is known best in financial circles for his clear 2003 prediction of the housing bubble crisis. Paul joined the Alex Jones Show in late 2014 to once again warn of the country’s slide into economic disaster. Meanwhile, the derivatives monster has gotten even bigger. With the drop in the oil price we have yet to see the impact of the credit default swaps and what this will mean for the stability of the global financial system. We know a collapse is coming… If you’re paying attention you probably have the distinct feeling that we are in the middle of it right now. And guess what? The government and military know it’s coming too, as evidenced by large-scale simulations of exactly such an event and its fallout.

Travel Restrictions Confiscation of wealth. Food Shortages. Riots Martial Law. The US has already prepared for this, with the passing of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) While it can’t be avoided on a national scale, there are advance preparations that individuals and their families can make to, at the very least, insulate themselves from the secondary event triggers. This includes storing essential physical goods and keeping them in your possession. Things like long-term food supplies, barterable goods, monetary goods, self defense armaments and having a well thought outpreparedness plan will, if nothing else, provide you with the means necessary to stay out of the way it all hits the fan. But no matter what happens in Greece, it appears that we are moving into a time when there will be higher interest rates around the world. And since 505 trillion dollars in derivatives are directly tied to interest rate levels, that could lead to a financial unraveling unlike anything that we have ever seen before in the history of our planet.

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