Tuesday, June 2, 2015

CARBON TAX - Co2 Being Traded as a Commodity. Carbon Trading Explained

President elect Barack Obama used his speech at a Los Angeles summit last night to reinvigorate a push for the revival of a frightening proposal to slash carbon emissions by 80 per cent, a move that would inflict a new Great Depression, cost millions of jobs, and sink America to near third world status. Obama President elect sets out on agenda to revive frightening Lieberman/Warner legislation.

“My presidency will mark a new chapter in America’s leadership on climate change,” Obama said in a video message to governors and others attending a Los Angeles summit on the issue.

“In the roughly four-minute message, Obama reiterated his support for a cap-and-trade system approach to cutting green house gases. He would establish annual targets to reduce emissions to their 1990 levels by 2020 and reduce them another 80 percent by 2050 Obama’s mission is to revive and expand the defeated 2007 Lieberman/Warner bill, “America’s Climate Security Act,” which proposed a cap and trade system to reduce carbon emissions 70 per cent by 2050.

The bill was rejected for a very good reason – its passage would have created economic conditions comparable to a new Great Depression and sunk America to near third world status. Obama’s agenda to cut carbon emissions by 80 per cent is a huge leap towards the ultimate goal, expressed by the Carnegie Institute earlier this year and afforded sober credibility by the corporate media – a complete reduction down to zero carbon emissions. Zero carbon emissions? That would lead to the near complete reversal of hundreds of years of technological progress and man’s return to the stone age.

Correction – stone age man was at least able to make use of fire – that too would presumably be banned under the measures being proposed.

Global transport of any kind would cease, manufacturing and production would be a thing of the past, the global economy would crumble, communications would go dark as computer networks and the Internet are abolished. Millions would freeze to death as a result of not being able to heat their homes. The head of Unilever has called on world leaders to raise their game in the battle against climate change. Pledges by the United States and other countries to sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions still aren’t enough to prevent global temperatures from rising beyond levels that scientists believe could be dangerous to the planet’s health, a U.N.-commissioned study says.

The report by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) cited a sizable “emissions gap” between the promises made by world leaders to lower pollution and the maximum amount of carbon the atmosphere can safely absorb.

“Without additional climate policies, global emissions will increase hugely up to at least 2050,” said the study, released Wednesday by the U.N. body that established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific organization that studies the effects of heat-trapping greenhouse gases on the global environment. Despite spending years claiming “climate change” would make the world hotter, not colder, climate activists are now blaming “global warming” for the arctic front pounding the U.S. “Global warming is worsening,” the article harked. “It seems that new reports appear with increasing frequency emphasizing the worsening of global warming due to increased accumulation of man-made greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.”

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