Friday, June 5, 2015

Americans Think the USA Freedom Act Gives Them Freedom Elite NWO Agenda Elite NWO Agenda

Despite days of intense media coverage about the USA Freedom Act, Americans on the streets of New York have no idea what it actually is, with some even believing the bill gives Americans their freedoms. The USA Freedom Act passed the House on Tuesday and President Obama signed it into law that same day. According to many analysts, the legislation is actually just as bad as the expired Patriot Act, but those details didn’t seem to concern shoppers in Times Square, who were struggling to come to grips with far simpler concepts.

One man said he was “seriously confused” about the Patriot Act turning into the Freedom Act, while another didn’t know what either pieces of legislation were, but that the latter sounded better because freedom. Lori Harfenist’s previous conversations with the American public don’t make for comfortable viewing either. No one knows what the TPP is (one guy thought it was a brand of toilet paper), while some couldn’t recall any information about the most important event of the 20th century – World War II. As you can tell from the video below, the zombie plague sweeping America doesn’t appear to be coming to an end any time soon. 1) The recent decision of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the bulk collection of American citizens’ telecommunications information was not authorized by the USA PATRIOT Act means that as of this afternoon, the bulk collection of American citizens’ telecommunications information was an illegal act. The government was breaking the law each time it grabbed our metadata. The moment the FREEDOM is signed by President Obama that same activity will become legal. How is making an unconstitutional and illegal act into a legal one a benefit to civil liberties?

2) The FREEDOM Act turns private telecommunications companies into agents of state security. They will be required to store our personal information and hand it over to state security organs upon demand. How do we know this development is a step in the wrong direction? It is reportedly the brainchild of Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the NSA director at the time! According to press reports, this was but a public relations move to deflect criticism of the bulk collection program. Alexander “saw the move as a way for Obama to respond to public criticism without losing programs the NSA deemed more essential,” reports Homeland Security News. There has been much in the mainstream news recently about population control. In fact, there seems to be a concerted effort by the Elite to introduce the idea as a legitimate debate about dealing with the “problem” of over-population. It appears the elite are trying to legitimize these claims using the global warming argument that CO2, which humans exhale, must be minimized at all costs.

Concerned researchers have tried to warn the public for decades that depopulation plans were indeed happening in stealth, quoting members of the ruling class like Rockefeller and others who clearly had motivation to implement them. 1. Food: GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods that represent around 75% of the American diet, especially non-reproductive “terminator seeds,” have proven to cause mass sterilization within only three generations. In the third world, Turner has contributed billions to population reduction, through United Nations programs, paving the way for others like of Bill and Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett. These same figures have also donated vast sums of money to Planned Parenthood and vaccination programs that many have identified as methods of population control. Most of us will admit to being glued to our mobile phones, but this motorcyclist has taken his obsession to another level.

A man has been pictured calmly playing on his mobile phone after being knocked from his motorbike. These bizarre photos were taken in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, in southern China However, to have that notion aggressively reinforced by the plethora of Chinese flags that invaded DC this week goes beyond mere pomp and ceremony.

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