Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Alert! Jade Helm Mass Bank Closures June 16th In “Hostile Insurgent Territory”

Many banks in Calexico, CA are shutting down on June 16th. Calexico is in the exact place where the Jade Helm map indicates "hostile" and is labeled "insurgent territory". Is this due to the military exercise that is to take place during that same date?

Ya know JADE HELM is supposed to be a drill......BANK OF AMERICA and other banks closing at the same time is way too much of a coincidence. Banks don't close for a drill......the people that know what is coming is getting prepared while the average american is nose deep in American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and the Voice. These are signs that something is coming and if you are smart enough to notice the signs then you know more than the average american. I was in the military and even on the base I was stationed on never closed if we did a base wide drill; special precautions were taken but nothing closed. Something big is coming and is going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised that a FALSE FLAG event doesn't happen at the same time this supposedly drill is going to take place. At the same time the WHITE HOUSE has broadcast authority to override broadcasting for an EMERGENCY MESSAGE. WALMART has closed 5 supercenters across the nation; one on the west coast, one on the east coast and 3 in the midwest; big enough to be makeshift FEMA CAMPS or military recon facilities. I don't know, but it seems like something big is on the verge of happening. There is so much going on that my head is spinning, I wish all this shit would just stop and we can go back to normal.

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