Thursday, May 7, 2015

Yahweh Will Destroy Satan/Illuminati World Order!! 2015

 Ultimately God will have HIS New World Order after he tears down Satans already crumbling satanic world order. Also, I resent Charlie using the word "democracy". We are a Republic. Big difference. In a democracy it's mob rule where the many can vote away the freedoms of a few. In a republic our freedoms are non negotiable. They can not be voted away. They are God given unalienable rights. In a democracy you'll always end up with a dictator after the country destroys its self. (I usually re upload this from time to's a good vid.)

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1 comment:

  1. Quite ironic to use HITLER look-alike to present a powerful speech on freedom, liberty, love, equality and respect for humanity. HITLER was the essence of SATAN greed, power, hate, Ego- megalomaniac, islam believers of false faith who have been duped and deceived (descendents of Ischmael son of Hagar and Abraham BUT not the promised descendants)
