Wednesday, May 13, 2015

WARNING! Illuminati NWO Modern Nazi 4th Reich!! 2015

 The New World Order was also Adolf Hitlers vision. The new Nazi salute is the hand pyramid or all seeing eye gesture. The new Nazi concentration camps are FEMA death camps. Boy scouts are being trained to take on veterans, and guns owner. Our youth are being brainwashed to serve the state both in and out of the school system. just like Nazi Germany. Anyone who resists or disagrees is considered an enemy of the state. Welcome to modern day Nazi Germany here in the good ole' USA. This is what a Godless nation looks like when given over to satanic things. This government has empowered themselves to detain Americans indefinitely without reason, and without a lawyer or trial. Obama empowered himself to take over the very infrastructures of America during martial law. Expect hell to come to America. We are in this countries last seconds of existence to be followed by perpetual bloodshed.

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