Saturday, May 9, 2015

URGENT: North Korea Fires Missile From Nuke Submarine

 Breaking News Report that North Korea has successfully tested a Ballistic Missile from a Nuclear Submarine

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. America has been firing missiles from submarines for years. America is a threat to the world and needs to be fucked up by the rest of the world. It was not North Korea that attacked Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
    America is the most evil entity on earth and has murdered 43 million people in other countries since 1945. America cares nothing for human rights with its many camps like Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, etc. I pray those fucking fat yankee soldiers stamping over South Korea and starting a war in Ukraine get sent home.
    This fuckwit needs a brain transplant like all the other religious money grabbing bastards.

  2. tam doyle you are an imbecile - if you were well read in history you would realise that there are many pawns(soldiers from all nations) that have been abused by the 1% of mega rich bastards (and central banks) who OWN the world and engineered all the world wars throughout history and have stolen the world's wealth driven by greed and satanic (luciferian) assistance.
    even 'climate change' has been engineered and earthquakes, tsunamis etc can and have been used against nations. It is feasible science and we have been lied to in order for nations to waste billions of $ in fighting climate change which was brought about by deliberate design to impoverish nations and transfer wealth.
    WAKE UP PEOPLE - you are being duped
