Sunday, May 10, 2015

UK ANTI GOVERNMENT RIOTS - Riots & Anti-Austerity Protests in London

The Met has said it will examine footage of a skirmish between police and demonstrators close to the defaced Women in World War II memorial “No more f**king Tory cuts!” and “Tories – scum!” slogans were chanted repeatedly by a crowd of anarchists, left-wingers and Scottish National Party (SNP) supporters. outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.
Protests have erupted in central London against the re-election of Britain's Conservative prime minister David Cameron, with demonstrators throwing bottles, cans and smoke bombs at riot police.

Scuffles broke out when the demonstrators, blaring hooters, banging pots and chanting obscenities, confronted lines of police outside the gate leading to the prime minister's Downing Street residence. At one point a bicycle was hurled at police.

Police arrested five people, and four police officers and one member of police staff were injured policing this protest, a Scotland Yard spokesman said.

A Reuters photographer estimated that a couple of hundred people took part in the protest, including a group of about 25 black-clad youths with sunglasses and face masks.

He said police briefly closed the central Whitehall Avenue to traffic but later reopened it and surrounded the last remaining group of several dozen protesters.

Mr Cameron, whose government has enacted tough spending cuts to bring down the budget deficit and promised more to come, won a second five-year term in Thursday's election with an outright majority in parliament. Some protesters claim the police response to the rally has been heavy handed. The crowds marched through the city to claim 'the system is broken'. The PM is right. We are on the brink something specially unpleasant for Bedroom Tax victims and anyone ­dependent on welfare payments to live. London Mass Action Against The Torys 09/05/14 #ONN #OLSX #ToryHQ #London ( @TheSilentAnon @OccupyNN Occupy Democracy - Parlament Square STRIKE MAG DAY 5 05/05/14 #NOAdJubilee #GE2015 #ONN #OLSX #London @TheSilentAnon @OccupyDemocracy @OccupyNN )

The UK already has a pretty awful reputation when it comes to surveillance, what with millions of CCTV cameras, DRIPA and two recent attempts to shove the Snooper’s Charter through Parliament without scrutiny. So perhaps it should come as no surprise to discover that UK police forces have created a giant facial recognition database that includes hundreds of thousands of innocent people: Police forces in England and Wales have uploaded up to 18 million “mugshots” to a facial recognition database — despite a court ruling it could be unlawful.

No non-trivial matching system is “100% reliable”: there are always false positives that make detection of criminals harder, not easier. There is a danger that the UK police will start using this supposed infallibility as an argument in itself: since our system never makes mistakes, if it says you are guilty, you must be guilty. And there is another important issue, articulated here by David Davis, a former Conservative minister: olice are to get powers to force internet firms to hand over details that could help identify suspected terrorists and london uk "united kingdom" british election protest riots "social media" society social unrest masses "we the people" 2015 2016 conservative "london city" force forces anger people humanity uniform power control prepare survival "gas mask" supplies "emergency supplies" prepper march collapse system matrix surveillance "great britain" security secure data england "london england" order law footage video entertainment news trends trendy viral "elite nwo agenda" people battle streets 10 downing street parliament 5th november guy fawkes anonymous march gun control defense self defense arrest bilderberg 2015 kettle live raw footage alex jones infowars demcad daboo77 rawdogletard jsnip4 coast to coast am lindsey williams pepper spray cops brutality gerald celente

The Anti-Terrorism and Security Bill will oblige internet service providers (ISPs) to retain information linking Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to individual users.

Home Secretary Theresa May said the measure would boost national security – but again complained that Liberal Democrats were blocking further steps.

“Loss of the capabilities on which we have always relied is the great danger we face,” Mrs May said. “The Bill provides the opportunity to resolve the very real problems that exist around IP resolution and is a step in the right direction towards bridging the overall communications data capability gap. Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) ruled that intelligence sharing between the NSA and GCHQ was unlawful. Now, in a sign that the cracks in the UK’s impenetrable silence on its surveillance activities

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