Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Petrodollar is Collapsing, & It is one of the Biggest Opportunities in The World Now

What can you do, you ask?

Get liquid. As much as you can. Invest in the metals. Silver and gold markets have been manipulated for a VERY long time in order to prop up the illusion of the improving economy and get you to invest and

spend some more. London's manipulation of the metals is another attempt of the central bankers to deter you from buying it, while at the same time they try to show that debt is OK.

It is no wonder they are hastily trying to impose the electronic transactions as they are simply out of cash. Printing more of it will only contribute to deeper crisis and harder fall.
In addition, it is also known that the closer the financial collapse the more war attempts by the same entities we will see.

We can all print out the Quo Warranto that the Common Law & Grand Juries filed this week with every superior, federal, and supreme court, as well as sheriffs and marshals and mail it to our local courts,

villages, attorney generals, police, and marshals.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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