Monday, May 11, 2015

The Lost Science of Money -- Stephen Zarlenga

 S y n o p s i s


Unheard of wealth concentrates into very few, largely undeserving hands. Americans work harder and produce more than ever but increasingly fall into debt and bankruptcy while corruption rules, and predators plunder society by merely shuffling papers. Less than 1% of the population now owns about 50% of the wealth, and receives 17% of the income! The Lost Science of Money shows how a false concept of money allowed it to happen, and tells how to reverse it.


Here are the keys that unlock the mystery of the money power รข€“ the hidden force secretly exercised by those holding society's monetary reins.

The Lost Science of Money exposes the mythology created to protect those who are embezzling from society, under cover of a deceptive ideology of money. This group has immorally used economic theory as a tool of class war for the past three hundred years, while screaming accusations of "class warfare" against those who question their power!

The author provides the weapons needed to protect self, family, nation, and humanity from the predations of this gang, that has shrouded itself under cover of "econo-speak" for so long.

These ideas are presented accurately, but in "down-to-earth" language, without the confusing economic jargon that has usually served to obfuscate the subject. Historical cases with 119 illustrations help to convey the author's unique message.


The gates protecting America have been left undefended. September 11th demonstrated only one aspect of this problem. Our people have been under monetary attack from within and from abroad for most of our history, and the physical, financial and psychological damage has far exceeded the terrible losses at New York's Twin Towers.

An entire generation has been led astray into market worship and other forms of religious fundamentalism.

A dysfunctional media focuses on the elections and sex habits of politicians while the real outcomes in society are determined behind the scenes by the structure of the nation's money system.

This problem goes much deeper than accounting and stock fraud, and even beyond the graduate schools of business that have inculcated such criminal behavior. The deeper cause lies hidden in the structurally corrupt core of our monetary and banking system and our schools of economics. It arises from the falsehoods they have spread on the nature of money, allowing their patrons to control the money power, and in turn to dominate our society, deforming humanity in the process.

*Traces the money power through three and a half millennia from barter to the Euro.

* Draws fascinating, previously lost monetary principles from ancient Greece and Rome, from the experience of the Moslems, Venice, the Templars, the Jews, the Bank of Amsterdam and Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve System.

*Shows that the question of usury is far from settled, and that monetary reform is more a matter of morality and law than of economics.

*Demonstrates that a good money system must be based in law, not in commodities.

*Defines the essential elements needed to remove structural injustice from our money system.

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