Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday May 5 2015: News & Calls

Alexa cooking the books? -- Date: 05/05/2015 -- -Today - On this Tuesday, May 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the probability Alexa is fixing its rankings system to target conservative and anti-Obama administration news websites while artificially boosting the rankings of pro-government leftist media outlets. We also take a look at John Stewart’s mockery of “Lone Star lunatics” who have warned about the Jade Helm military exercises, the claim by ISIS it is behind the Garland, Texas bungled attack, the looming catastrophe of a 76 trillion dollar global bond market bubble exploding, and the push by race-baiter Al Sharpton to get the feds to take over law enforcement around the country and kill off once and for all posse comitatus.

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