Wednesday, May 20, 2015


In this special Economic Insight episode, Dark Journalist welcomes Best-Selling Author, Financial Expert and Former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs Nomi Prins. Nomi’s classic book series on the secret machinations of the financial world and how the banking elite are taking the world to the brink of economic ruin includes her latest book,"All The President’s Bankers.”

Together, Nomi and Dark Journalist will chart the pernicious influence of greedy, covert money power that is manipulating the global economy and engineering a stealth transfer of power and wealth on a scale never seen before in the history of the financial world! She also reveals the tightly knit web of wealthy families and political insiders that helped to engineer the economic bailouts that made the reckless big investment banks, like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, even bigger and rewarded them for their unethical and destructive behavior.

With her in-depth knowledge and experience in the Wall Street world, Nomi outlines the hidden processes that allow the toxic assets that the banks developed through bizarre credit derivative packages to continuously be bought by the Federal Reserve. As they reward their friends and devalue the dollar and wages of the average investor with absurd zero interest rate and the one-percent-friendly quantitative easing ‘QE' policies, the wealthy insiders are harvesting the assets of the public society.

Nomi also examines the risks for the papered over, debt-ridden economy and how in some ways we are more vulnerable to an economic tsunami than we were in the crash of 2008. The ramifications for ignoring this powerful trend of economic fragility are far too disturbing to contemplate as the new stock market bubble is being pumped up by the same forces that caused the recent financial crisis in the first place.

Revealing, unnerving, informative, insightful, outspoken and spellbinding, you’ve never seen Nomi lay out the facts of the financial reality we face as you will in this rare, in-depth, deep interview with Dark Journalist!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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