Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mark Twain Would Be Ashamed To Be An American Today

 It was the great American Humorist Mark Twain who said Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it. If Mark Twain were alive today, I think he would quickly conclude that loyalty to our government lost its due right after 9/11. We have a Congress that has an approval rating that is no longer detectable by current technology. A growing public awareness that the War Of Drugs has been manufactured by the CIA and organized by the DEA. Government Law Enforcement, namely the FBI, NSA, DHS, and TSA illegally read our correspondences and listen to our communications while sexually fondling our families all in the name of national security, which pitifully adds up to national insecurity.

And if Mark Twain were alive today, well I would be ashamed to explain to him the abject putrefaction that wafts through the halls of the Environmental Protection Agency. I would ask him to cover his ears while I explained to rest of America, that EPA employees are regularly reprimanded for deficating in the hallways of the Denver, Colorado regional office. And that the watching of pornography on government computers at the EPA has become so commonplace, that EPA employees have been caught watching hours of porn, harassed the female employees and were then promoted.

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