Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fukushima Screaming Radioactivity, 8.5 EQ, & Volcanic Blast Update 5/30/15

 Record Levels of Radioactivity in Plant's Port HMMmmmmmm
May 29, 2015
The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says it has found record-high levels of radioactive water in the facility's port. It says the high levels are due to a leak of wastewater.
Tokyo Electric Power Company officials said on Friday that contaminated water leaked from a crack in a hose connecting a wastewater tank to a building at the plant.
They later detected about 22,000 becquerels of beta ray-emitting substances per liter of water in a nearby drainage ditch. The ditch is in the upper part of a drainage channel.
The utility also found the density of radioactive materials in the channel was around 6,600 becquerels per liter. That's more than 200 times higher than the figure recorded on Wednesday.
TEPCO officials took samples of seawater from 4 locations in the port, where the leaked water reached via the drainage channel. They detected between 190 and 320 becquerels of radioactive substances per liter. The figure is the highest ever recorded in the port.
Utility officials say the leak stopped after they halted the flow of water, and that it has not affected waters in the Pacific Ocean outside the port.
TEPCO workers are trying to collect water from the drainage channel to prevent it from reaching the ocean.
Radioactive Water Leaks at Fukushima Daiichi HMMMMMMmmm
May 29, 2015
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says workers have found a leak of comparatively highly radioactive water at the plant's site. It says the water flowed into the plant's port.
Tokyo Electric Power Company says the contaminated water was leaking from a hose connecting a wastewater tank and a building at the plant.
The hose had a crack about 1 centimeter long. The contaminated water was produced in a process to clean up rainwater tainted by radioactive materials at the plant.
Utility officials said the leaked water flowed into a nearby drainage channel and into the port.
They said they detected about 1,200 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting substances from water taken from the channel on Thursday. That figure was 40 times the level the previous day.
They said the figure rose to a maximum of 1,400 becquerels on Friday. The officials believe the leakage continued over the two days.
The company says concerns were raised about the hoses' durability. It has been replacing them.
Authorities in Fukushima Prefecture have urged the company to conduct an investigation to identify the cause of the leak. They say the company should take thorough measures to prevent a recurrence.
M8.5 Quake Off Ogasawara Shakes Wide Areas in Japan MAY 30, 2015
A powerful earthquake shook Tokyo and surrounding areas on Saturday night.
The Meteorological Agency says the magnitude 8.5 earthquake occurred at around 8:24 PM Japan time.
The focus was at a depth of about 590 kilometers off the Ogasawara Islands.
The tremor registered intensities of 5-plus on the Japanese scale of 0 to 7 in Hahajima Island in the Ogasawara Islands, and parts of Kanagawa Prefecture.
Intensities of 5-minus were recorded in some cities in Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo.
Tremors of 1 to 3 were felt over wider areas from Hokkaido, northern Japan, to Okinawa, southwestern Japan.
Volcanic Activity Still High on Kuchinoerabu
a volcano on Kuchinoerabu Island is still highly active following a massive eruption on Friday.
The Japan Meteorological Agency said it rained on and off Saturday overnight near Mount Shindake on the island.
It said clouds covering the summit are preventing it from seeing what the plume of smoke now looks like.
The agency has not observed any volcanic tremors since Saturday morning, leading it to believe the eruption has subsided.
But experts believe most of the magma that has built up below the mountain is still there, which means further powerful eruptions are possible.
By 9 AM on Sunday, the agency had recorded 4 earthquakes in a shallow part beneath the island. It is maintaining the eruption-alert at the highest level of 5.
Friday's eruption sent a plume of smoke more than 9,000 meters into the air. Huge rocks fell around the crater and currents of hot gases and rocks traveled down in almost all directions. Some of the flows reached the coast.
Experts say the blast was likely caused by interaction between water and magma. the latest event could be an initial phase of the volcano's active period.
He said the alert needs to be maintained for 2 to 3 YEARS.
Powerful Quake Causes Blackout in Tokyo
Japan has over 100 active volcanoes, more than almost any other country and accounts alone for about 10 % of all active volcanoes in the world. The volcanoes belong to the Pacific Ring of Fire, caused by subduction zones of the Pacific plate beneath continental and other oceanic plates along its margins.

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