Friday, May 15, 2015

Corporations Are Destroying The Education System

Siân Bloor: "Corporations Aided And Abetted By Corrupt Governments Are Destroying The Education System."

 The fact is we are Enslaved(debt) by(Sociopathic) ,ruled and reigned over by psychopathic elite.  Through freemasonry they own most major companies,including the ones that poison us, big pharma engineer side effects in most perscription drugs,put mercury in most inoculations,put in thermaldahide ,and cancer causing viruses.
 The thousands of a percentage increase in cancer,alzhiemers and dementia, and autism which is caused by mercury,are symptomatic of of the poisons they put in medicine,food,and water,  Fluoride(water and toothpaste) is a level 4 biohazard akin to lead,this causes calcification in our arteries and glands, chlorine destroys good bacteria and the inside of our intestines.
Processed food is laced with refined(no iodine)salt,and sugar which feeds Fungus, which destabilises all cell walls so letting in cancer causing viruses.  fungus attacks our heart muscle and valves,take bicab of soda twice a day in water to kill the fungus due to alkilinity, and slows down the cancer cell production as they like acidic conditions.  Most people die of cancer because of the poison chemotherapy and radiation, chemo destroys all cells on contact,radiation knocks off electrons from our cells so making them unstable.

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