Tuesday, May 12, 2015


RUSSIA'S NEW SUPER TANK - Russia Shows Off Its New $8 Million Dollar T-14 Battle Tank

A new high-tech battle tank hailed by Russia as a "masterpiece" appeared to break down on Red Square on Thursday during a rehearsal for the military parade at which it will make its long-awaited debut.

The tank's driver raised a small red flag to show he had problems but managed to drive on about 30 minutes later after an attempt to tow it away was abandoned, a Reuters witness said.

The parade announcer later said the stoppage had been planned to demonstrate how military equipment could be evacuated from the battlefield, prompting laughter from the rehearsal audience. Russia's new Armata main battle tank. Weighing in at 55 tons, and featuring multilayered armor, an independent crew capsule, and a fully automated 125 mm main gun firing both cannon rounds and laser-guided missiles, Armata is designed to be Russia's answer to General Dynamics' (NYSE: GD ) M1 main battle tank built for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. We also described how Russia is using Armata ("Армата") as a core chassis upon which it will build an entire family of armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft missile launchers, armored self-propelled artillery, flame throwers, bridge-layers, and minesweepers -- some operated as robots.

It was an inauspicious start for the Armata T-14 which will roll across the square in front of President Vladimir Putin and foreign leaders as part of Saturday's parade, marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. Vehicles of the Armata platform will be equipped with the radar and other technologies found on the Sukhoi T-50 fifth-generation jet fighter. They include a Ka band radar (26.5–40 GHz) based on AESA radar. The devices should be ready by 2015.[24] russia parade battle tank victory military "army supplies" supplies "battle tank" tanks game games "war games" modern tech technology auto automatic automanous investment investing russian history "world war 2" "next generation" unmanned protection surveillance security defense "self defense" research r&d development u.s. usa america "united states" army troops survival prepare gaming trends trending footage video media entertainment "u.s. army" navy "air force" "elite nwo agenda" moscow alex jones infowars radio show no ads coast to coast am demcad montagraph prediction gold silver end game bilderberg 2015 davos china brics germany max keiser gerald celente

Western tank designs, built upon similar principles, have demonstrated significant crew survivability against insurgency tactics in low-intensity conflicts. The Israeli Merkava, the Armata's direct inspiration, is particularly exemplary of Western tank design and has boasted exceptional performance against asymmetric threats. It features a high profile and composite armor, built from the ground up prioritizing crew survivability, much like the M1 Abrams, Leopard 2, and other modern Western designs The cold shoulder that European leaders turned toward Victory Day underlines the tensions between Russia and the West over the Ukraine crisis. As Western sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine continue to bite, Russia has increasingly appeared to pivot away from Europe and focus more on developing relations with China. Chinese President Xi Jinping Soviet Union The Supreme Commander of NATO, Gen. Philip Breedlove, said on Sunday the West must engage in an information war with Russia in order to counteract its "false narratives" on social media.

“We need as a western group of nations or as an alliance to engage in this informational warfare. The way to attack the false narrative is to drag the false narrative into the light and expose it,” Breedlove said.

In July, NATO announced a concerted effort to counter the Russian narrative on Ukraine. According to UK ambassador Adam Thomson, the response includes “military steps.”

“Nato needs to be able to pop the Russian myths that are propagated about Nato itself… it needs to be able to look after its own equity in this, if you like,” Thomson said during a NATO summit in September.Alex Jones uncovers one of the biggest and most dangerous issues in recent history, a Rosetta Stone that will decode the deception taking place throughout our world.

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1 comment:

  1. I hope this tank is as successful as the T-34 which was a war winner against vile tyrants from the West.
    If the NATO idiots continue to behave like the Nazis perhaps they will be stopped by the T-14.
