Thursday, May 21, 2015

Build up to WW3 - China Warns U.S Spy Plane to Leave Airspace over Disputed Islands

China said it is entitled to monitor the airspace and seas around artificial islands in the South China Sea after a reported exchange between its navy and a U.S. surveillance plane, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

CNN reported that on Wednesday its journalists, who had been allowed to join the flight, heard a Chinese navy dispatcher make eight demands that a U.S. P8-A Poseidon surveillance aircraft leave the area as it flew over Fiery Cross Reef.

China is undergoing a massive land reclamation program in the South China Sea, parts of which are claimed by five other countries, including U.S. treaty ally Philippines.

The U.S. says the string of artificial islands the nation is building could be used as military bases from which the country could attempt to restrict air and sea traffic.

On Thursday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei reiterated Beijing's claim of indisputable sovereignty over the islands, and said it entitles China to keep watch over the surrounding area to "maintain national security and avoid any maritime accidents High quality global journalism requires investment.

The US military has tried to step up pressure on China by publicising a surveillance flight over contested islands in the South China Sea, in a move that threatens to escalate tensions over the Chinese government’s land reclamation in the area.

A US Navy surveillance aircraft was warned to turn away by the Chinese navy as it approached Fiery Cross Reef, team that was invited aboard the flight. “This is the Chinese navy,” the English-language transmission said, according to an account “Please go away . . . to avoid misunderstanding. island u.s. surveillance china "united states" navy naval "man made" flight airplane radio intelligence radio telecommunications territory battle warning war future "south china sea" fishing commodity nature reef "mainland china" 2015 2016 mission construction military "air force" challenge asia asian "south east asia" ASEAN power control status america news media entertainment game games "war games" drone cctv "cctv camera" "spy camera" spy "elite nwo agenda" aircraft shipping alex jones infowars coast to coast am montagraph daboo77 daboo777 dutchsinse anonymous gerald celente max keiser lindsey williams bilderberg illuminati end game world war 3 nuke false flag attack japan korea new world order military industrial complex red dawn prepper prepare survival bugout underground bunker

It also carried out surveillance on Mischief reef, where Chinese dredging activity provoked a diplomatic protest from Manila in February. Both land features are part of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, which are claimed wholly or in part by China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei. China’s state news agency accused the U.S. on Saturday of having a “pirate-style sense of insecurity” in response to recent comments from Washington expressing concern over Beijing’s territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea.

The Xinhua News Agency took issue with remarks by U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Monday that Chinese land reclamation and construction work on disputed South China Sea islands were “fueling greater anxiety within the region about China’s intentions.” In what PLA sources are describing as an unusually high figure, China has mobilized 100,000 troops to take part in a border exercise as part of preparations for a Korean Peninsula crisis.

The US called all claimants to comply with the 2002 China-ASEAN Declaration of Conduct, in which the parties committed to “exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability.” island in the South China Sea “illegally occupied President Xi Jinping to prepare the People’s Liberation Army for war in response to US aggression in the Asia Pacific, developments which have prompted “major changes” in China’s national security situation. Amidst tensions over the disputed Senkaku Islands, Beijing has also aimed some of its strident rhetoric at the United States, bragging about China’s ability to attack US military bases in the Western Pacific, as well as releasing of a map showing the locations of major U.S. cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear strike launched from the PLA’s strategic submarine force.

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