Friday, May 8, 2015

Brainwashing America: Satanic Illuminati Mind Control

 (This video reverses the brainwashing damage done by the satanic CIA in an operation called MK Ultra which stands for Mind Kontrol Ultra) Being adopted by the U.S. military under operation paper clip during WW2 when Nazi scientist were recruited, and brought over the the U.S. Half these Nazi scientist made up half of the CIA during that time which means that Nazi ideology has infiltrated our military/government. They used demonic spirits to get knowledge for better technology, but not without cost. Every American should watch this very shocking informative video about what the government is doing being closed doors, and the psych ops & mind manipulation they're carrying out on us. We are in a war for the hearts and minds of mankind.

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1 comment:

  1. this is what the upside-upside-upside-down world is like today: russia china better put the western nation aside europe is on a ww2 revival as AIPAC the american master wants war and since they did not destroyed europe in 1945, but created israel for the second suicidal attempt your enemy is AIPAC the jewish lobby which is more a system than a person: the system has created robots american and european robots, today you are in a 1984 nightmare and have being since 1913: reason why Communism was created and the tzar was killed. this human robots of the western world are somehow becoming free, and are gradually gaining independence. reason why the AIPAC system is fading, and washington is loosing power since 2001, 9/11 WTC and Iraq wars YEMEN syria are attempts from AIPAC to recapture the power they are losing: AIPAC is is Israel, wall street, hollywood, main media financial banking system * $ as reserve currency, military industrial complex and educational system in america and most of the western nations. however there are 10% of individuals that are free from the AIPAC GRIP: those that had independent education the rest are just conditioned "stimulation & response" action & reaction"
