Thursday, May 7, 2015

Brainwashing America: Satanic Illuminati Mind Control

 (This video reverses the brainwashing damage done by the satanic CIA in an operation called MK Ultra which stands for Mind Kontrol Ultra) Being adopted by the U.S. military under operation paper clip during WW2 when Nazi scientist were recruited, and brought over the the U.S. Half these Nazi scientist made up half of the CIA during that time which means that Nazi ideology has infiltrated our military/government. They used demonic spirits to get knowledge for better technology, but not without cost. Every American should watch this very shocking informative video about what the government is doing being closed doors, and the psych ops & mind manipulation they're carrying out on us. We are in a war for the hearts and minds of mankind. MUST WATCH!!!
When I first grasped the full realization that satan controlled everything in society all I had to do was walk down the street and I saw satans symbols everywhere, and on everything. Every direction I looked was a satanic symbol. On cars, on business buildings, on commercials, on billboards, and I mean everywhere. I was experiencing a similar feeling to that of Neo when he first found out his entire life was a lie in the movie matrix. I experienced a spiritual pain I can not put into words. I damn near had a mental breakdown. If everything I know now was dumped on me all at once when I first started my research I know i would literally lose my mind. I've dedicated the last 7 years of my life to the Lords work, and till this very day I'm still learning things I could never fathom existed. Information I'm still learning about will put me in that state of utter hopelessness, and depression. God knew that I could only handle small increments of truth at a time, and he gradually taught me what I now know, and am still learning. Ecclesiastes 1:18-"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."

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