Saturday, May 2, 2015

BALTIMORE POLICE CHARGED - Lawyer Claims 'Officers Did Nothing Wrong'

A lawyer for six Baltimore police officers says they "did nothing wrong", after criminal charges were announced against them in the case of Freddie Gray who died in police custody.

Lawyer Michael Davey said the officers "at all times acted reasonably and in accordance with their training".

Baltimore state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby earlier said the death of the 25-year-old black man was a homicide and his arrest had been illegal. But after the charges were announced on Friday afternoon, celebrations broke out across Baltimore. Drivers honked their car horns as people took to the streets with fists raised in triumph. Officer Caesar Goodson: 2nd-degree depraved heart murder, involuntary manslaughter, 2nd degree negligent assault, manslaughter by vehicle by means of gross negligence, manslaughter by vehicle by means of criminal negligence, misconduct
That half of the officers are black appears to dispel the notion that the death of Gray was racially motivated, but the debate raged on social media: John Banzhaf, who teaches public interest law, says that the charges announced by Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby on Friday “go too far.”

“I think a prosecutor is going to have a hard time proving that the actions did in fact cause death, since they seem to have no theory as to how it occurred,” Banzhaf said in a phone interview. With much of the nation focused on the police abuse protests happening in Baltimore and New York City, the Denver police and their actions against a group of protesters on Wednesday has largely gone unnoticed. But police were dressed for war. Paramilitary style. And they weren’t going home without using a few cans of pepper spray and filling up a paddy wagon. Americans are used to seeing this type of chaos on TV, usually taking place in an unstable country such as Egypt, or Greece, but a startling trend is developing where military soldiers are becoming indistinguishable from your local police. They are sharing uniforms, vehicles, tactics, etc. It appears the war has made it to our homeland. But who is at war with who? Public law 87-297, the Arms Control and Disarmament Act signed by President Kennedy in 1961, provides an impetus to not only ban civilian firearm ownership but to also transfer control of the U.S. military to the United Nations.

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