Sunday, May 3, 2015


 In this months Informer News Special Report a message and warning to the global community of the coming nibiru event that will unleash unpresident destruction on our planet and that the timelines being posted on the net are wrong this advanced race also releases the correct timeline for this event and claims they have thousands of crafts on the luna surface waiting to be given orders to help survivors of this event thats will occure very soon this advanced race that have inhabited our planet long before humans call Earth Tamia and have bases under the ground as well as the oceans and the moon and mars ,this info released in this message covers many subjects from 911 to the secret space program also the same source sent me a link to a site that has many diagrams of free energy systems that have been invented ,the powers that be that control the shadow government on earth have had free energy technology for decades but refuse to release it to the public ,The Voice Of The People demands this free energy technology be released at once that would help third world countries recover from poverty and the global community would all benefit from this technology heating there homes and powering there cars also bringing prices in the shops down but the main reason this technology should be released is the coming nibiru event which could help many more people survive this event with heating there man made shelter for nothing as well as cooking whatever food and water they could lay there hands on but the biggest reason of all the governments of the world SHOULD RELEASE THIS TECHNOLOGY IS That All NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS could be shutdown before this event starts this would prevent meltdown of all these plant predicted to happen that would release massive amounts of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere if they are left in operation Timeline sun 3rd may 2015

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