Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Mark of The Beast - PayPal Developing Smart Tattoos and Ingestible ID Technology & Brain Implants

 Online money service Paypal wants to kill all passwords, replacing them with vein recognition, ingestible technology and computer chips tattooed to our skin.

In a presentation called Kill All Passwords, Paypal's global head of developer advocacy Jonathan LeBlanc outlined solutions which would replace the traditional written password, and go much further than the fingerprint scanners smartphone consumers are beginning to get used to. LeBlanc's aim is to use unique biometric data to eradicate false negatives - stopping valid users logging in - and false positives - allowing invalid users access to whatever is being protected.

LeBlanc sees technology taking a leap forward to "true integration with the human body," and says identifying people with external body parts such as their fingers and eyes is "antiquated." he suggests devices like brain implants and attachable computers which "put users in charge of their own security." Ingestible devices could be powered by stomach acid, which would run their batteries, LeBlanc "If there's a weak password you need to harden that with something physical behind it," LeBlanc said, suggesting an alternative could be a thin silicon chip embedded under the skin and which contains ECG sensors to monitor the heart's unique electrical activity. This data would be communicated via a wireless antenna to "wearable computer tattoos." Last year, Motorola announced temporary tattoos which could unlock its Moto X when the phone came into contact with them.

That is no longer true. Public and private entities are scanning license plates, snapping photos of our cars, and storing the times and locations where they appear. Close correlation between license plate numbers and particular drivers means that databases of mundane information about auto movements also reveal quite sensitive information about doctor and psychologist visits, business meetings, trysts, gatherings of legal advice and participation in political advocacy. License plates and cameras are, as I testified to Congress more than a dozen years ago, “Big Brother infrastructure.” RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory.

Meanwhile the European Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of the beast? Barclays has just announced that it is going to become the first major bank in the western world to use vein scanning technology to control access to bank accounts. There will even be a biometric reader that customers plug into their computers at home… Online retailing behemoth Alibaba is going to start using fingerprint scanning in an attempt to make their transactions more secure Slater was prompted to be implanted in anticipation of the iPhone 6 release on September 9. In a previous article, I quoted a news article which discussed how billionaire Bill Gates is funding the development of a birth control microchip that “acts as a contraceptive for 16 years”… Although he admits it “sounds blatantly authoritarian” and “violates just about every core value we possess in a free society,” a noted transhumanist author has said a world government body should forcibly sterilize anyone “deemed unworthy” of parenthood by using implanted microchips.

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