Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Stop Supporting those that seek to Control Your Life

How and Why Terminators Have To Come .... without God's direct intervention at this point the human species is done for, most people will die out of pure ignorance and lack of self control and understanding.

Most folks yawned when the FCC decided to take over control of the internet. The reason given:  "To ensure net neutrality." Under FCC control, internet freedom of speech might become a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this mirrors how the "Patriot Act" was postured to protect American citizens from terrorism.  Unfortunately, the Patriot Act was an OUTRAGEOUS assault upon Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. Look up the date that the Patriot Act was passed.  You will be forced to conclude that it was likely written "before the 9/11 event".  The US government was needing a crisis to pass it into law.

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