Friday, April 17, 2015

Paul McGuire - Mass Awakening - Foreword by Doug Hagmann

 Paul McGuire Inside the Matrix on Hagmann & Hagmann Report Podcast April 15 2015

 Truth is the ography of today and most truth is being censored by a power structure few admit exists. Those who dare to discuss this power structure, the matrix and the lies to which we are being subjected are often villified.

From the reign of Nimod to the Fabian Socialists of today, the power elite have been and continue to rule generations of people unaware that there are rulers behind the curtain - the powers of darkness. Instead, most people unwittingly accept that events taking place around them are merely random rather than orchestrated. We are being led to an event - or series of events - that will unveil these truths and create a mass awakening. It will also be accompanied by stronger oppression as the elite struggle to maintain their foothold on the censorship of the truth.

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