Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mike Maloney - A 911 Style Attack on The Internet coming soon

The End Of The Internet As We Know It - Mike Maloney

It won't stop there. You will also as an individual have to pay for a license to get onto the internet. The government will make a fortune with this. Everyone who owns a computer will pay taxes fot its use. They won't stop with just Net Neutrality! Lets face it, Obummer is trying to ruin this country of ours and he is doing a damned good job of it. We have been sold out by the slimy politicians we elected to look out for our interest. They're only looking out for themselves. We're in deep shit!!

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1 comment:

  1. yes, what a oBUMMER OF A president - does not deserve to be there - after all he is Kenyan or Indonesian nationality and certainly not American - and why would he say he hates Americans???>><!!
