Thursday, April 2, 2015

Joel Skousen -- The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday April 2 2015

 AI to make life & death decisions
-- Date: 04/02/2015 --
-Today -
On this Thursday, April 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the emerging threat of artificial intelligence as billionaire Warren Buffet says machines will ultimately make life and death decisions for humanity. We also cover the charade that is Michelle Obama’s “healthy” public education lunches, Monsanto underwriting the effort to save the monarch butterfly decimated by the corporation’s Roundup herbicide, Obama’s new Executive Order handing total control of the internet over to the federal government, and other important stories. On today’s broadcast we talk with Joel Skousen, the publisher and editor of World Affairs Brief and author of several books, including Strategic Relocation: North American Guide To Safe Places, available at the Infowars Store.

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