Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton in Bible Prophecy

 Is Hillary Rodham Clinton prophetic? Are there biblical prophecies that do or may apply to her? Do her positions on abortion, LGBT issues, Europe, Asia, GMOs, ecumenism, and even the Falkland Islands have prophetic ramifications? Does the scripture that warns of the rise of female leaders, that could include her?

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  1. with your help: it looks many are needed. however prophecies of the middle east contrast with prophecies of thor, and the polytheistic archetype. jesus and jerusalem are far away from moscow. religion is useful when is not use for managerial political purposes. however there is a problem of location and religion, one is israel,and the other is the jewish religion, the two elements are not compatible with the location. imagine all the christians living in the vatican. the vatican is too small cannot have that many people. is quite simple, no need of bible or any other wizard. is just a question of space & reason.

  2. THE HEINOUS CRIME OF ABORTING INNOCENT UNBORN CHILDREN will be the undoing of the U.S.A and other countries that allow THIS CRIME. We should be protectors of the vulnerable. GOD HELP US ALL, for the punishment will be SEVERE

    I WOULD NOT VOTE FOR ANY FILTHY CLINTON(hilary has gone to convoluted ends to conceal her mismanagement and loss of multimillions of taxpayer money) BUSH(driven by money and motivated by greed) OBAMA (islamist agenda- Indonesian or Kenyan national) why would he want to conceal his past. I wonder why!!!!!! he is SATAN'S helper to assist in the downfall of America.
