Tuesday, April 14, 2015

HILLARY CLINTON 2016 - Hillary Vows to Protect Americans From the 1%, While Being Funded by the 1%

 After announcing her decision to seek the Democratic nomination, Clinton will visit state whose initial lack of support undermined her entire campaign in 2008

Paul Lewis in Des Moines and Jon Swaine in New York Hillary Clinton has begun a tour of key states in her campaign to become US president following her announcement that she intended to make a second attempt at becoming the country’s first female commander-in-chief.

The former US senator, secretary of state and first lady tweeted that she was leaving for Iowa, the first US state to vote when the primary elections to choose each party’s candidate begin early next year. “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I’m going to be that champion,” she said in a video posted on her website, as she warned “the deck is still stacked in favour of those at the top” despite an economic recovery.

Speaking to camera at the end of a three-minute clip featuring personal stories from Americans of different ages, ethnicities and sexualities, Clinton pledged to ensure people could “get ahead and stay ahead” rather than “just get by”.

It marked the official start of Clinton’s final attempt to crack what she called the “the hardest, highest glass ceiling” after being defeated by Barack Obama in their bitterly fought contest for the Democratic nomination in 2008 and brought an end to years of speculation over whether Clinton would make a second bid to secure a place in history as the first female US president. At approximately 3 p.m. ET on Sunday, Hillary Clinton joined Facebook. Four hours later, her page boasted close to 555,000 likes, and the campaign kickoff video she'd posted on it had been viewed almost 1,010,000 times. Not bad for a rookie. While Clinton has, until Sunday, avoided hopping onto the Facebook bandwagon, she hasn't eschewed social networking altogether. In fact, her 3.27 million Twitter followers dwarfs those of her Republican rivals. Jeb Bush has just 176,ooo Twitter followers, while Rand Paul has 593,000. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s second presidential bid was announced by campaign chairman John Podesta Sunday alongside the launch of hillaryclinton.com A veteran educator says parents can thank Hillary Clinton for the Common Core national standards that have been thrust upon schools across the country. Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says that the Clintons “think they’re above the law” and that there is “a grand hypocrisy” to Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of donations from countries with poor records on women’s rights.

Paul argued that Clinton is wrong to say that Republicans are waging a “war on women” even as the Clinton Foundation receives funding from Saudi Arabia  “Hillary Clinton has taken money from countries that rape victims are publicly lashed,” he said, describing a recent case of a woman in Saudi Arabia who was whipped after being gang raped by seven men. “We should be boycotting, voluntarily boycotting a country, not buying stuff from a country that does that to women,” he said.

Hillary Clinton said she exclusively used a private e-mail account for official State Dept. business out of “convenience.” Google will overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 if she decides to run, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange revealed. Unless Hillary Clinton “went to extreme lengths” to wipe her private server clean, her email records should be recoverable, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said Saturday.

“Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes,” said Priebus, referencing recordings the former president kept of conversations he had in the White House between 1971 and 1973. The tapes were made available to Watergate investigators and later made public.

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