Thursday, April 2, 2015

College Teaches You How To Be A Debt Slave

 College Teaches You How To Be A Debt Slave

I don't think everyone should go to college, the American Dream is pretty much over, focus on straight up survival at this point. You'll be a lot happier than pursuing some societal concept of what happiness is supposed to be.

this is what you get for wanting "the American dream" of "money, a big TV, and a nice little home". That "dream" is actually a nightmare in disguise designed to entice you into a life of indentured servitude so you work a job you hate to buy shit you don't need, all to feed a giant economic machine that really only truly benefits the psychopaths above you. College sucks, but it's only a symptom of the problem. The CORE problem, is: the false desire to seek "fulfillment" in separation from others, in other words: let me make more money than you to feel better about myself at your expense. That's silly bullshit, we'd all be better off overcoming it.

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