Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bush Slips , Reveals Explosives in Building on 9/11

 After Obama took office this footage was wiped from the White House website. This is the only known existing record recovered from our own archive. In the video Bush says this, "For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."

It sounds eerily like what happened at the WTC on 9/11. Was he referring that the "terrorists" planted explosives in the towers or that foiled plots had planned to use that tactic? Or was he referring to the WTC?

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1 comment:

  1. Dubya is merely a torturer, a mass murderer, a war criminal and abuser of human rights. Pay back will come when the Yanks get to stand in the dock at their own Nuremberg trials
