Monday, April 27, 2015

BREAKING: Martial Law Declared in Baltimore after PURGE

 BALTIMORE | The governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency and activating the National Guard after the BALTIMORE PURGE burned buildings and vehicles.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has issued a citywide curfew. The Maryland National Guard Adjutant General Linda Singh was quick to declare "it's not martial law"

Call it whatever you want. The army national Guard is ready to use any force ordered. Just recently The Maryland Army National Guardsmen participated in a Non-lethal Individual Weapons Operator Course, which trains Soldiers how to respond as a civil disturbance reaction force.

The Guardsmen were trained on the use of a Taser, pepper spray, crowd control techniques and more, preparing them to assist in civil emergencies.

The guard has also trained for traditional warfare and live fire scenarios. While Maryland civilians are armed with rocks.

The guard also has recently received a new UH-72 Lakota surveillance helicopter for deployment at the governor's decree.

So far 15 officers have been injured in retaliation to the death of 25 year old freddie gray while in the hands of those entrusted to protect and serve.

A police car was destroyed and a CVS store set on fire as countless other stores were looted and pillaged.

Should the emergency alert system be activated and lethal force authorized television and radio stations may be forced to play a message similar to this:

Maryland EAS Demo

While that reality looms ominously as the National Guard deploys to the streets of Baltimore, At a press conference The mayor of Baltimore spoke of the thugs destroying the city:

Clip Credit AP

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