Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore Riots: Michael Savage offends black caller by calling looters "wild animals"

Michael Savage (4/28/15): "No, they're not human beings. Once they revert to that level of lawlessness, they have lost their right to be called human beings." Baltimore Riots: Michael Savage offends black caller by calling looters "wild animals"

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1 comment:

  1. michael Savage, It bothers you that there is a war going on in Baltimore. but Israeli´s killing millions of innocent people in Palestine and the middle east doesn´t bother you.
    What about throwing down Palaestinians houses and destroying their gardens, and pushing them into camps by Jewish Animals? You are a JEW ZIONIST ANIMAL yourself. Fix your own fucking house up before you critize .The Israeli Jews are the formost racists anywhere even black jews who live in Isreal are part of the open air zoo called Israehell by obnoxious trash like you, Savage
