Tuesday, April 28, 2015

BALTIMORE RIOTS - Maryland Governor Activates 5,000 National Guard Troops. Martial Law Coming?

“No justice! No justice!” He yelled to those in attendence, prompting them to yell “No peace!” Thousands attended Monday's service for Gray, the 25-years-old who died April 19 after Baltimore police broke his neck, severed his spine, bruised his brain, snapped his leg and crushed his larynx. Areas of Baltimore are under siege for a third day as rioters battle with cops while stores are being looted and police cars set on fire. National Guard: "We are not at the point of martial law..." As many as 5,000 troops to patrol streets #BaltimoreRiots Baltimore's Mayor just gave rioters another 'safe space' for tonight - curfew will not be imposed until TOMORROW. #BaltimoreRiots A bizarre PSA put out by lobby group AARP now being broadcast on television and radio stations across the country contains a bizarre subliminal message about martial law being declared in America after nationwide riots. Baltimore descended into chaos Saturday night as hundreds of people engaged in wanton violence and looting, prompting a police crackdown and ruining any chance of real or meaningful protest against police brutality in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray.

Rioters smashed up local businesses and parked cars, and attacked patrons: US Army field manuals admit that public drills are aimed at dealing with political dissidents

militarization. A video has appeared online showing armed national guardsmen conducting exercises near a children’s playground in Virginia. We contacted the infantry brigade – here’s what they told us: coordination was made with the Staunton Police Department, these are freshers who are training on basic military subjects like drill and ceremonies, basic first aid, military courtesies and the guns they carry are replicas. What is wrong with it?
National Guard but US Army troops in some cases working with police conducting these public drills which in some cases, not in this case but others, are based around crowd control and civil unrest. And the line they always give us that it’s designed for overseas combat, foreign operations. But if you then read the US Army’s actual manuals that they release, it’s clear that it’s for dual purpose, it’s for “dissidents” on US soil. So the media regurgitate this claim that all these drills are just foreign operations. Yet they are doing it in public, in plain sight, while privately in their own field manuals admitting that it’s to take on “dissidents within the continental US.” That’s why people are concerned about it and a lot of our audience is National Guard or former or current US military. They are concerned about these public drills. America is changing, and not for the better. This is what social decay looks like… There, Malik Shabazz, president of Black Lawyers for Justice, a Washington, D.C.-based group that called for the demonstration and advertised it on social media, told the crowd that he would release them in an hour, adding: “Shut it down if you want to! Shut it down!” Activist Jamal Bryant, pastor of Empowerment Temple AME Church, told his congregation Sunday that “somebody is going to have to pay

The Obama administration will send a full-blown delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, the black man who suffered a spinal cord injury and died while in police custody in Baltimore. New video footage has emerged of Tennessee Air National Guard troops training with the Knoxville Police Department to deal with civil unrest, just the latest of a spate of examples of authorities gearing up for domestic disorder. The police officers are training the Guard troops, “in case they ever come in contact with a riot control situation These drills have caused particular consternation amongst some given their close time proximity to Jade Helm 15, a nationwide military exercise during which troops will operate undercover amongst local populations.

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