Sunday, April 19, 2015

98% Chance Of Financial Armageddon In Coming Days

Today Pete Santilli made an “early” call on the economic implosions we’ve all been fearing for the past couple years. On Friday, April 17, 2015, the DOW Jones industrials plummeted 400 points, and as Santilli states, there are anomalies which must be brought to the surface & analyzed in order figure out when the powers that be will pull the plug on our failed monetary system.

Here are a few topics to research & follow over the coming days:

1) Greece: Russia’s Vladimir Putin is moving in to rescue Greece. Greece in on the verge of defaulting on their obligations to repay loans to the European Union.

2) Friday’s stock market plunge was exacerbated by Bloomberg’s computer outage. Mysterious computer outages are actually excuses for shutting down automated trading mid-stream during flash crashes.

3) Institutional investors are slowly; incrementally & quietly removing billions of dollars before the big crash comes. They are aware of the coming stock market crash, and they are manipulating the market enough to minimize their losses. Pension funds, municipal investments and mutual funds are the big money movers right now. Once they get enough of their money to safety, they will step up their pace to withdraw from the market in bulk.

4) Technical signals are blaring crash. Look at the charts being published.

5) On May 9th, Greece is expected to default. Look for signs of countries and economies scrambling for safe cover.


The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we ALL know the BOTTOM IS ABOUT TO FALL OUT, so, what else is new? Hey Pete, LOVE your Huka!!!!

  2. it happens when they want it to
