Saturday, March 14, 2015

Webster Tarpley: CIA to give more weapons to ISIS in Syria

Webster Tarpley: US plans to increase non lethal aid to groups fighting Bashar Assad

 The US is planning to increase quote non-lethal assistance to groups fighting the Syrian government.
The State Department says it’s working with Congress to provide 70 million dollars in new aid to anti-government groups in Syria. If Congress approves the new aid, it will bring to nearly four-hundred million dollars the total amount Washington has funneled to anti-government groups since Syria was gripped by the armed conflict. The war enters its fifth year on March 15. The UN says more than 200,000 Syrians have been killed, with millions more being displaced.

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1 comment:

  1. the problem is Jews Zionist bankers, financiers today have no clue of what the economy of the world is all about in 1789 and 1945, the world was smaller and it was run by Zionist Jews financiers, today 2015, they no longer do the job properly, they do not understand reality of a spherical world they are confine to a 1945, 1917 ideology of Jewish Zionism on a planet that is today in the 21 century, and no longer exist on the 19 & 20th century. From Rothschild’s to Lazard brothers they are way off. To counter this new realm they have wars all over the Middle East, propaganda and lobby’s, and apply an ideology that is outdated as the holocaust and other rhetoric’s, the fact s the holocaust no longer works as it did in 1947, and they still believe main media propaganda and Hollywood will change reality. Main media does not change reality; truth is a, continues process and is no longer on the Zionist Jewish domain, and will never be again. Today is a new world different than the Zionism of 1917. Therefore if there is not a revolution an acceptance of these Jewish Zionist economical incapacity to understand the modern globalized world, the consequences shall be disastrous for the planet.
