Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wayne Root -- The Gestapo is alive and well in Obama’s America

 Barack Obama's most Gestapo-like initiative is “Operation Chokepoint.” This is your government’s attempt to put morality controls (just like those in Iran) on the American public by shutting down certain businesses.

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1 comment:

  1. Mr. Root,
    You complain about the American Gestapo while america supports Gestapo Isreal with billions and is an apartheid, racist, tyranical, undemocratic, oppressive, RELIGIOUS JEWISH STATE, according to that nut Netanyahu. He´s a psycopath and he is screwing the American Golden goose for all he can.
    So--you don´t like the American Gestapo.
    BUT you like the American suport for the Israeli Gestapo.

    The Mossad forcé for all those proxy wars in the Arab spring.
    Netanyahu calls all the shots, and he cashes in on more tan $5,000 a shot and no one complains.

    The jet aircraft F 35 which cost 400 billion dollars is the USA latest gift to the Israeli airforce.
    Wake up, the Zionists are screwing us big time and you are in too much pain to even notice what is happening to you. Maybe Netanyahu should run in USA in 2016.
    He already has the best American congressional support money can buy through AIPAC.
    Poor stupid americans, we sold the family silver through people like Henry Kissenger & the Khazar Gestapo money mafia.
