Sunday, March 15, 2015

VLADIMIR PUTIN MISSING - Situation Getting More Strange. Possible Build up to WW3?

 Eastern Europe, here comes the cavalry.

The U.S. Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge.

The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. U.S. Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on Friday.

The convoy is "a highly visible demonstration of U.S, commitment to its NATO allies and demonstrating NATO's ability to move military forces freely across allied borders in close cooperation," U.S. Army Europe spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Childs, said in a statement, according to the Stripes report. Russian heavy bomber aircraft flew more patrols outside Russian airspace "than in any year since the Cold War," though he did not offer a specific number. There have also been increased Russian air patrols across the coastlines of Europe. Kremlin: Huge Announcement Coming - Russian Embassy Personnel In London Depart - Unmarked White Trucks Flood Moscow's Red Square - Mysterious Construction - Putin Death Rumors Go Viral Across World

By all accounts the Internet rumor that Russian President Vladimir Putin died is nothing more than a hoax started with a Facebook Page titled "‘R.I.P. Vladimir Putin," which garnered almost 1 million likes when it hit the Internet on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The 'About' page stated the following:

"At about 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday (March 10, 2015), our beloved politician Vladimir Putin passed away. Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Saint Petersburg. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page."

Hundreds of Putin fans left messages, many were rightly skeptical, and while there is nothing strange about death hoaxes, a quick search shows they are a form of amusement for the hoaxsters themselves, what is strange is a recent DEBKAFILE report titled "Unconfirmed Russian Internet rumors that Vladimir Putin is dead " which states that "a short announcement of Putin’s death was seen briefly on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s website early Thursday, only to be removed after 20 minutes."

Medvedev is the sitting Prime Minister of Russia since 2012 and the former Russian President from 2008 to 2012, yet somehow, two days after the original hoax swept across the internet, his website fell for it long enough to put a death announcement up? With his connections being who he is and what he was, wouldn't he have known on Tuesday when the hoax was created that it was false? anonymous hack bbc

postponement of Putin's scheduled visit to Kazakhstan saying "It looks like he has fallen ill," . If you're having trouble finding a page in Reuters." RUSSIA’S internet is abuzz with rumour: President Vladimir Putin has not been seen for eight days. Heart attack? Cancer? Is their controversial leader actually dead? His press secretary Dmitry Peskov asserts: “There is no reason to worry ... everything is fine”.
“Putin Umer” (Putin is dead) is the trending search subject across Russia. #PutinIsDead is exploding across Twitter. On March 11, Kremlin officials issued photographs of the President attending a meeting with the head of the Republic of Karelia, claiming the photos were taken that day. Vladimir Putin has been silent lately. But if anyone thought he had been shamed into defeat or marginalized, then think again. sanctions annexation of Crimea last year, Russia has cut off 60% of Europe’s gas supplies right in the middle of winter. This has caused an almost immediate crisis in six European nations that have seen a complete cut-off to their supplies – Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey – with more to follow. According to reports via Zero Hedge, the effect has been almost instantaneous.

Is Vladimir Putin about to unleash bombshell satellite imagery that reveals the U.S. government’s role in carrying out the 9/11 attacks as punishment for the White House’s role in supporting Kiev and encircling Russia?

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1 comment:

  1. preparing for balfour declaration part 2 so it is 1913, revive as it is 1917 revive and the holocaust 2 created by AIPAc for the nw israel??
