Monday, March 9, 2015

The United States in Prophecy - Victor Gill

Most Bible scholars will say the United States is not to be found in Bible Prophecy. That is as far from the truth as possible. The US in center stage in Bible prophecy. Bible Prophecy is a warning message from God. Every American should be interested in hearing what God has to say about the USA. I think that it's pretty clear that America is Mystery Babylon. Whats also clear is that a lot of people are in denial about this.Today in the USA our freedoms are but a shadow of what they once were. The USA may indeed fulfill in the spiritual sense the role of Babylon the Great , USA is the the main mother of all, UK does play a big part in it because UK has one of the head of the illuminati that will unite with the beast to bring the new world order. Lord Jacob de Rothschild is the wealthiest man on earth and the one that will bring the new world order, Barack obama is the beast, the full manifestation of the antichrist and pope francis the false prophet that will deceive the world. There is a reason for why the Queen, The Vatican pope and Obama are being followed and worshiped by so many people. They are nothing but filth and do the evil work of satan.
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1 comment:

  1. So a Bible basher wants more freedom for Americans like it used to be. Does this idiot want the freedom to keep slaves and murder Indians?
    All America is, is a 2 bit silly arrogant country with a very short history and not much prospect of a very long future.
    The world is getting tired of these mass murdering clowns and their stupid self-righteousness and most of the world wants rid of them and they should be buried with their stupid bibles in a very deep hole. Not that America is even mentioned in any of their bibles as they were written by religious psychopaths over a long period of time and all of it 1700 years before this cursed gang of lunatics ever stared stomping arrogantly around the earth.
