Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Secret Cause of World War 3

 A brilliant collection of clips that really does show just how disgustingly filthy our house is in the West; most notably, America.  I shall repeat, over and over or as long as it is necessary, where are the genuine oath keepers?  When will American so-called 'patriots' declare all laws hostile and injurious to the US Constitution null and void and restore the Constitution as the 'supreme law of the land'?  When will the traitors in government be arrested, charged and convicted of treason for openly defying the oath?

 Worshipers of Moloch, all of them!  In the movie Under the Sign of the Scorpion the Bolsheviks (aka Khazarians calling themselves 'Jews", AS IF!!) flat out state that they are worshipers of Moloch, the same as our politicians who build themselves magnificent temples that they sit in as kings while they direct the slaughter and then go and 'worship' their god Moloch at Bohemian Grove.   The slaughter, terror and torture (the more heinous the better) are pleasing to their 'god' and pleasing to them.  We have reached the great divide in humanity where the evil and those supporting evil stand on one side and the rest of us stand on the other.

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  1. Very good video showing that there are too many psychopaths who tell lies all the time and start wars. Time to send the Yanks and Khazars home. Yankee go home and Khazars return to Khazaria.

  2. Hey Netty how many do you have hidden. You didnt even sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty did ya? But Iran did and they allow inspectors in to check and guess what no yup no evidence of the weaponization of nuclear material has been found. How many inspectors have you had in? HJH? Bush you are an idiot too.

  3. the secret cause of all wars are always the same: wars caused, not by the Peoples that only make´s to work...but by the conflicts from great bussines between the leaders of some Empires and Nations. The Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians... Out from the Humankind´s Future!!

  4. the secret cause of all wars are always the same: wars caused, not by the Peoples that only make´s to work...but by the conflicts from great bussines between the leaders of some Empires and Nations. The Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians... Out from the Humankind´s Future!!
