Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The FED May Pop Stock Market Bubble SOON -- Gregory Mannarino

The Federal Reserve May Pop Stock Market Bubble SOON. By Gregory Mannarino

Gregory Mannarino of TraderChoice.net contends, “We are staring down the barrel of the worst financial cataclysm that has ever been seen, witnessed or even heard of in human history. There is no way out of this. As hard as I think about this, I cannot envision a scenario that there is no way this will not turn into a financial disaster of epic proportions for every human being on this earth.” For the people that say the economy looks good to them, Mannarino says, “This is the calm before the storm. The Federal Reserve has flooded the system to the point of ridiculousness. They re-inflated an equity market bubble. They are trying as hard as they can to re-inflate a credit bubble. So, people are living on nothing but borrowed time.”

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