Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Endgame: Creation Of A New 2 Tier Society: By Gregory Mannarino

 The USA, led by the banksters' puppet, Obama, is being completely out-flanked by Russia, China and the other BRICS countries. It is even being abandoned by it's previous allies like the UK, Germany, France, etc, in them joining the new (Chinese) Asian Banking system (AIIB) and some of them (shamefully, not my own UK non-representative government) walking away from war plans against Russia over the US-inspired Ukraine situation. The writing is on the wall for the US$ and then let's see how they can finance war after war when it collapses. The USA tries to impose influence around the world by means of the bomb and bullet whilst these two perceived enemies do it with helping build an infrastructure that is of real benefit to that country - not to invade it, set up military installations, rip off their assets and subjugate it's people. It seems to me that the US government has been taken over by America's enemy (one which plans to invade, and take over Texas just because they will not toe their line) and it's citizens need to wake up to this, have a civil uprising and put decent people back in control of their country.

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