Monday, March 23, 2015

The Antichrist Revealed : Alexis Tsipras ?

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2 (KJV)

“One interesting candidate that is clearly different from most of the others is Greek politician Alexis Tsipras He is the nominee for the Party of the European left; he also is the youngest of all the candidates at 39 years of age. He is a total atheist whose political roots are in socialism and communism. He remains un-married, but has cohabitated with his high school girlfriend for twenty years and they have one child.“Alexis Tsipras, who was sworn in earlier this week as the new Prime Minister of Greece, has become his country’s first openly atheist leader. A survey noted that atheist leaders in Europe are becoming more prominent, with France and Croatia also being led by non-religious figures.

Tsipras was sworn in on Monday after his Syriza party won the elections in Greece, but he chose not to take a religious oath at the ceremony. Reuters noted that Tsipras, whose left-wing party has opposed austerity measures, broke from tradition when he decided to take a civil, rather than a biblical oath.”

He is the first leader of Greece to refuse to take a religious oath on the Bible in the history of the country.

Tsipras has met with Pope Francis to discuss a peace treaty with Israel:

Tsipras said: “Even though we started from different points, ideological points, we believe we have common positions in the principles of solidarity, in the principles of justice, peace and cohesion.”

“We agreed on the need to continue the dialogue between the European left and the Christian church,” he said. “There is a need to create an ecumenical alliance against poverty, inequalities, against the logic that markets and profits are above people.”” - Alexis Tsipras in meeting with Pope Francis

The Pope and the new Greek leader also discussed climate change. Pope Francis is open to everyone, well almost everyone. He embraces the Atheist, the Wiccan, really any beliefs are fine with him, as long as social justice is addressed and a common hatred of Capitalism is quite important.

Think of how the bible describes the character and nature of the Antichrist, while you read the following quote from Alexis Tsipras official website:
“We discussed the need for peace to return on earth, for the immediate cease of war interventions…asked him to take an international initiative for the termination of conflicts in the Middle East. Finally, we agreed that the dialogue between the Left and the Christian Church must go on. We may have different ideological starting points; however, we converge on common values, like solidarity, love for the fellow Human being, social justice, and our concern regarding world peace.” Alexis Tsipras in his meeting with Pope Francis

Alexis Tsipras as the Antichrist? Pope Francis as the False Prophet? It certainly is pretty interesting, wouldn’t you say?

George Soros backs Tsipras..

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1 comment:

  1. Pope Benedict XV1 served for 8 years from 2005 - 2013.
